Sunday, October 31, 2010

End of Season Harvest

Ahhhh... The end of harvest season is here. The last frost hit around the 24th of October here and so on the 30th we got out there, cleaned up shop and then sowed some winter rye. We were a little late out there, but still made out fine. Josh brought home a Honda tiller for us to use--it is perfect. Small, easy to handle and did the job well. We tore up the tomato, pepper and eggplants, the squash vines and green bean bushes, we dug up the small crop of potatoes and the large crop of beets. I did end up with a few buttercup squash (as pictured), despite the long hard battle with a ground hog that took up residence under our shed (it was a long, hard love/hate relationship with he and I that ended badly). Other than the winter squash we got about 15 lbs of beets, 5 pounds of potatoes and a handful of random peppers that were hanging on for dear life. The white squash that you see are volunteers from patty pans we grew last year. Think patty pans on steroids. They are more round and huge, but still tender.

The large squash you're seeing was not one of mine, rather from my mom's garden. I'm fairly certain is an Amish Crookneck, but its kind of funny--for years she's been growing these and eating them as summer squash when they are young and very green. This is the first year she let them go to seed and realized they were actually a winter squash! My mom's gardening technique is... very liberal. She basically plants things as nature would have intended--everywhere and in no specific order so it is easy to see how this happened.

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