Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Perfect Tomato Sandwich (Vegan Optional)

Aahhhh... In a perfect world, I would eat a tomato sandwich every day. The chewyness of homemade bread, the fresh tomato bursting with awesome old-fashioned tangy fruity flavor, the creaminess of the mayo and a little heat from the fried hot peppers that top it. I am salivating just thinking about it. So, everyone has ideas on what makes the perfect tomato sandwich, I'm not knocking yours, I'm just telling you mine. You can do these vegan or not. You can use any tomatoes, but they really should be homegrown and/or heirloom to get the best flavors. Today I used Constolato Genovese and Paul Robensons. I really like these two varieties because they both have a deep, striking tomato flavor that I can not get enough of.

Since my tomatoes have been ripening in my garden, this is what I've been eating everyday.

The Perfect Tomato Sandwich (vegan optional)

1-2 Heirloom Tomatoes
2 slices of crusty homemade bread, whole grain or whole wheat
1-2 Tbs Vegenaise or homemade mayonnaise (recipe to follow)
2-4 slices of fried peppers (recipe to follow)

Slather both sides of bread with mayo, stack the tomatoes high and place the peppers on top. Repeat several times. Slice sandwiches in half, sit down and enjoy!

Homemade Mayonnaise

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
  • Kosher salt
  • 1 1/2 cups oil (olive oil, canola, peanut)
 Whip the egg yolks, vinegar, mustard and salt in a small bowl, slowly add the oil while continuously whipping until the desired texture is formed. Alternatively, add the first 4 ingredients into a food processor, turn it on and slowly drizzle the oil in until the desired texture is formed.

Italian Fried Mangoes (Peppers)

1-2 pounds banana peppers (we use Hungarian Wax), sliced in half with seeds and stems removed
1/4 cup good olive oil
2 garlic cloves
Kosher salt

Over low-med heat, toss the peppers with oil and fry until they begin to soften. Do not turn the heat up too much or they will cook unevenly. After they begin to soften, add the two cloves of garlic and the Kosher salt liberally. Cook for a few more minutes until tender. Remove and eat copious amounts with every meal.

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